
on The Zoo is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., every day.

Inspire, admire and explore.The Louis-Hémon Museum is a space both for creation and sharing and above all, it strives to transmit its passion for regional literature and history. Established in the heart of Maria Chapdelaine's homeland, the Museum welcomes you into the intimacy of Louis Hémon's work and those who inspired him. In addition to offering a breathtaking view of the mouth of the Péribonka River as well as the Lac St-Jean, the Louis-Hémon Museum offers unique and refreshing museum experiences, including a brand new virtual tour of the Maison Samuel-Bédard, which was home to the writer in 1912. A must in the beautiful region of Lac-St-Jean!


  • 300 rue Édouard-Niquet, Péribonka, Péribonka, G0W2G0, Québec