
on The Zoo is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., every day.


Mostly carnivorous, they feed on insects, shellfish, molluscs, live or dead fish, and amphibians. They often consume decaying carcasses and at times aquatic plants. They look for prey that swims on the surface, including baby ducks, muskrats, and other turtles.


Probably more than 40 years old.


Sexual maturity is achieved between 11 and 19 years. Mating takes place early in the spring, but can also happen in the fall. Eggs are laid between the end of May and the end of June. The female can lay up to one hundred eggs (although usually between 20 and 40). Hatching occurs between August and October. The sex of the baby turtles depends on the temperature of their incubation.


Few predators for the adults. Raccoon, skunk and fox have been known to eat their eggs. Some birds of prey, water birds, mink, and even bullfrog can eat young turtles.